1/20/19: added appUserRoutes and appDeviceRoutes with authentication
1/11/19: providerRoutes2 is more reliable to use/made switch occur
1/10/19: deployed API, providerRoutes is first set of routes made
1/9/19: project started
Push Notification capability
Connect mobile app authentication with database
Gain access to university database for TANG events
Set up listeners for RSS Feed
Set up monitors for device usage
Improve dataset and implement providerRoutes3
Finish appUserRoutes and appDeviceRoutes
Instructions for Local Testing/Deploying:
Basic Setup:
Must make your own dev.js file within the config directory and follow prod.js for what keys you must fill in
Go to mLab.com for a Mongo database that you can set up. This requires you making a user with a username and password to fill in the URI
npm install for all the packages
If you want access to our actual database, then please email one of us and we will work out something to get you an account. It shouldn't be too much of a problem :)
Set up environment variables, mimicking the style within prod.js
Use the keywords after process.env within prod.js to set the names and then enter the values you want
User Setup:
This requires the use of a google developer account. Don't worry, though, because you have one if you have a google account!
Setup a new project with whatever name you would like to call it. The location doesn't really matter, either (I hope!).
Use the Google+ API and set up credentials, including authorized URLs if need be (this is for deployment when ready; the relevant URLs should be given by your deployment service)
Set up a OAuth Client ID, including authorized URLs and callback paths (this is needed for both local testing and deployment)